Summary Information


Welcome to the summary page!

Summary statistics

This page is designed to give you a quick overview of how your organisation compares to others using the graph above. Your organisations score is indicated in red, other organisation scores are in blue. Higher scores indicate stronger P3C (Patient Centred Coordinated Care).

  • The average score on the OCT is about 6

Summary Graph


Summary Information

  • Your overall score is 4 out of 20. This is below the average score of 6. To see where you score may be improved we suggest looking at the domains section of the webpage.

  • The graph above shows your total score on the P3C-OCT in comparison to other practices in the SPQS scheme
  • Scores on the P3C-OCT are given out of a total of 20 points
  • All of the 29 main questions of the OCT are weighted equally, and points are allocated equally for:
    • objective activities (e.g. processes you stated you were doing to deliver P3C)
    • subjective responses (e.g. how well you thought these were working)
  • A score of 20 is the theoretical maximum. Such as score is probably not attainable (or desirable), and could only be achieved with:
    • full P3C activity (as measured by the P3C-OCT)
    • all activities subjectively rated as “working very well”
  • A low relative score does not necessarily indicate poor performance for person centred care - instead, it suggests that other organisations responded more positively to the P3C-OCT, which could be related to factors such as organisational size and structure
  • Please see the accompanying “P3C-OCT guide” for further information about the scoring mechanism
  • Most practices achieve less than half the maximum, with an average score of about 6/20*