Comparison of your time 1 and time 2 data for the P3C-OCT


Welcome to the Comparison page!

Domains Baseline Latest Change
Overall 3.8 7.0 83.6%
My Goals 4.6 6.3 37.6%
Decision Making 4.6 4.6 0.0%
Care Planning 5.0 8.0 60.5%
Information and Communication 5.2 7.9 50.8%
Transitions 2.0 5.8 189.4%
Organisational Process Activities 0.8 6.0 606.6%

The table above indicates how your latest P3C-OCT score has changed compared to your baseline. Percentage change shows whether your score has increased (green) or decreased (red), and by how much. This is also summarised in the bullet points below.

There are a number of reasons why your scores could have decreased: it could have been a different person responding (and perhaps scoring lower on the subjective component of the questions); the questions may have been appraised more realistically; or there may genuinely be less activity in certain areas of P3C. Whilst decreases may be due to factors beyond your control, these may be areas that are worth focusing on when interrogating your dashboard.

  • Your score overall has increased

  • Your score for goal setting has increased

  • Your score for decision making has not changed

  • Your score for care planning has increased

  • Your score for information and communication has increased

  • Your score for transitions has increased

  • Your score for organisational process activities has increased